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Nohabbo Educated: Multicultural communication

Multicultural communication is of great importance in international contact. Communication is the key to building relationships and understanding other cultures and their values, norms, and customs. To understand the importance of multicultural communication in international contact, we can use the seven dimensions of Trompenaars' cultural model and Hofstede's cultural model.

Trompenaars' cultural model distinguishes seven dimensions of cultural differences. These dimensions are:

  • Universal versus specific culture
  • Individual versus collective
  • Neutral versus emotional
  • Specific versus diffuse relationship
  • Task-oriented versus person-oriented
  • Short-term versus long-term orientation
  • High-context versus low-context

Multicultural communication is important in international contact because understanding these dimensions can help us understand how other cultures communicate, think, and act. By understanding these dimensions, we can adapt to other cultures and better collaborate with people from different countries and cultures.

Another cultural model relevant to multicultural communication in international contact is Hofstede's cultural model. Hofstede distinguishes five dimensions of cultural differences:

  • Power distance
  • Individualism versus collectivism
  • Masculinity versus femininity
  • Uncertainty avoidance
  • Long-term versus short-term orientation

Understanding these dimensions can help us communicate and collaborate more effectively with people from different cultures. For example, if we know that a particular culture is more collectivistic, we can adapt to group dynamics and emphasize more on cooperation and consensus. If we know that a culture is more oriented towards long-term planning, we can adapt to this way of thinking and focus more on sustainability and future results.

In summary, multicultural communication is of great importance in international contact as it helps us build relationships and understand other cultures better. Understanding the different dimensions of cultural differences can help us communicate and collaborate more effectively with people from different cultures.

Blue = BRAZIL | Purple = FINLAND | Green = NETHERLANDS | Orange = SPAIN

Blue = FRANCE | Purple = GERMANY | Green = ITALY | Orange = UNITED STATES